


Albanian Travel

This is a list of travel in Albanian. It will come in handy when landing at the airport or answering tourism and business questions.

Airplane: aeroplan
Airport: aeroport
Bus: autobus
Bus station: Stacion autobusi
Car: makinë
Flight: Fluturim
For business: Per pune
For pleasure: Per kenaqesi
Hotel: hotel
Luggage: valixhe
Parking: Parkim
Passport: pasaportë
Reservation: rezervim
Taxi: taksi
Ticket: biletë
Tourism: Turizem
Train: tren
Train station: Stacion treni
To travel: Per me udhetu
Help Desk: Pika e informacionit

Now we will use the Albanian words above in different sentences related to tourism and travel.

Do you accept credit cards?: I pranoni kartat e kreditit?
How much will it cost?: Sa kushton?
I have a reservation: Kam bere rezervim
I'd like to rent a car: Dua te marr hua nje makine
I'm here on business/ on vacation.: Kam ardhur me Pune / pushime
Is this seat taken?: A eshte I zene ky vend?

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