School in Hausa
This is a list of school related words in Hausa. To help you discuss topics in your classrom with other students. We focused on the main used ones.
Book: littafi
Books: littafai
Pen: alƙalami
Dictionary: ƙamus
Library: ɗakin karatu
Desk: tebur
Student: ɗalibi
Teacher: malami
Chair: kujera
Paper: takarda
Page: shafi
Pencil: fensir
Notebook: littafin rubutu
Laptop: kwamfutar tafi-da-gidanka
Question: tambaya
Answer: amsa
School: makaranta
University: jami'a
To write: rubutawa
To read: karantawa
To speak: magana |
To listen: sauraro |
To think: yin tunani |
To understand: fahimta |
These are a couple sentences you might need to use in a classroom.
I have a question: Ina da tambaya |
What's the name of that book?: Yaya sunan wancan littafin |
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