


Hausa Plural

This page provides information about the plural in Hausa. Below is a list of singular (one) and plural (many) words, listed side by side.

Woman: mace
Women: mata
Language: yare
Languages: yaruka or yarurruka
Man: namiji
Men: maza
Country: ƙasa
Countries: ƙasashe
Boy: yaro
Boys: yara
Lake: tafki
Lakes: tafkuna
Girl: yarinya
Girls: 'yan mata
Pen: alƙalami
Pens: alƙaluma or alƙalama

These examples show a sentence with both singular and plural forms. The list includes the use of nouns, numbers and pronouns.

I visited one country: Na ziyarci ƙasa ɗaya
She visited three countries: Ta ziyarci ƙasashe uku
She has one sister: Tana da 'yar uwa ɗaya
He has two sisters: Tana da 'yan uwa mata guda biyu
We speak two languages: Mun iya yare guda biyu
They speak four languages: Sun iya yare guda huɗu

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