


Hausa Family

This is a list of words about family in Hausa. You can name people such as your relatives as well as extended family this way.

Daughter: 'ya
Son: ɗa
Sister: 'yar uwa
Brother: ɗan'uwa
Baby: Jariri
Child (m): Yaro
Child (f): Yarinya
Father: mahaifi or baba or uba
Mother: mama or uwa or mahaifiya
Husband: miji
Wife: matar aure
Cousin (m): Dan Bappa
Cousin (f): Yar Bappa
Aunt: gwaggo
Uncle: Abba or kawu
Grandfather: kaka
Grandmother: kaka
Nephew: basambo or ɗan ɗan uwa
Niece: 'yar yar uwa
Man: namiji
Woman: mace
Boy: yaro
Girl: yarinya
People: mutane

These examples show how family words are used in a Hausa sentence. Very useful when socializing with other people. This can also show you how to ask questions.

What's your brother called?: Mene ne sunan Dan'uwanka?
How old is your sister?: Shekarun Kanwarka nawa?
Where does your father work?: A ina mahaifinka yake aiki?
Your daughter is very cute: Yarka tana da kyau!
I love my husband: Ina son mijina
This is my wife: Wannan matata ce

With the above list you will be able to discuss how many siblings you have or ask others about their family. Now let's go to the next topic by clicking the "Next" button. Or simply choose your own topic from the menu above.

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