Lithuanian Places
This is a list of places in Lithuanian. Helpful vocabulary when discussing buildings you would like to go to, or pointing out natural landscapes.
Bank: bankas
Hospital: ligoninė
Desert: dykuma
Earth: žemė
Forest: miškas
Garden: sodas
Island: sala
River: upė
Lake: ežeras
Sea: jūra
Sky: dangus
Sun: saulė
Moon: palydovas |
Stars: žvaigždės |
Mountain: kalnas |
Beach: paplūdimys |
These are some expressions showing how you can use the above words in a complete sentence, after including adjectives and personal pronouns.
I can see the stars: Aš matau žvaigždes
I want to go to the beach: Aš noriu eiti į paplūdimį
This is a beautiful garden: Tai yra gražus sodas |
The moon is full tonight: Šiąnakt yra pilnatis |
We hope that the above words and expressions of places in Lithuanian have been helpful. For more lessons click the "Next" button, or choose your own subject from the menu above.
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