


Lithuanian Comaprative

In this page we will explore the comaprative in Lithuanian. This includes the superlative form as well. Very useful when comparing two things or more.

As . . . as: Toks.. kaip
Taller: aukštesnis
Shorter: žemesnis
Younger: jaunesnis
Older: vyresnis
As tall as : toks aukštas kaip
Taller than: aukštesnis už
Shorter than: žemesnis nei
More beautiful: gražesnis
Less beautiful: ne toks gražus
Most beautiful: gražiausias
Happy: laimingas
Happier: laimingesnis
Happiest: laimingiausias
You are happy: Tu laimingas
You are as happy as Maya: Tu toks laimingas kaip Maya
You are happier than Maya: Tu laimingesnis už Maya
You are the happiest: Tu esi laimingiausias
Good: gerai
Better: geriau
Best: geriausia
Bad: blogai
Worse: blogiau
Worst: blogiausia

With the above examples you can compare, or create superlative (superiority), sentences with no problems. Let's move on to the next subject below. You can also choose your own topic from the menu above.

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Lithuanian Imperative

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