


Lithuanian Gender

This page discusses the gender in Lithuanian. Below is a list of masculine (man) and feminine (woman) words. We picked the most popular ones.

Boy: berniukas
Girl: mergina
Man: vyras
Woman: moteris
Father: tėvas
Mother: motina
Brother: brolis
Sister: sesuo
Actor: aktorius
Actress: aktorė
Cat (m): katinas
Cat (f): katė

These examples show a sentence with both genders (masculine or feminine). The list includes the use of nouns, adjectives and pronouns.

He is tall: Jis yra aukštas
She is tall: Ji yra aukšta
He is a short man: Jis yra žemas vyras
She is a short woman: Ji yra žema moteris
He is German: Jis vokietis
She is German: Ji vokietė
Japanese men are friendly: Japonai yra draugiški
Japanese women are friendly: Japonės yra draugiškos

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Lithuanian Plural

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Lithuanian Pronouns

Lithuanian Pronouns