


Lithuanian Imperative

Here are examples for the imperative in Lithuanian. This includes expressions of making requests, giving orders or simply asking someone to do something.

Go!: Eik!
Stop!: Stok!
Don't Go!: Neik!
Stay!: Lik!
Leave!: Išeik!
Come here!: Ateik čia!
Go there!: Eik ten!
Enter (the room)!: Įeik (į kambarį)!
Speak!: Kalbėk!
Be quiet!: Būk tyliai!
Turn right: pasuk į dešinę
Turn left: pasuk į kairę
Go straight: eik tiesiai
Wait!: palauk!
Let's go!: eime!
Be careful!: būk atsargus!
Sit down!: sėskis!
Let me show you!: Leisk tau parodyti!
Listen!: Klausykis!
Write it down!: Užsirašyk tai!

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