


Afrikaans Questions

This page provides information about the questions in Afrikaans, also called the interrogative form. This will enable you to ask people about different topics.

How?: hoe?
What?: wat?
Who?: wie?
Why?: hoekom?
Where?: waar?
When?: wanneer?

These are sentences which include the above tools to ask questions. Asking questions is a very good way to learn a language or start a conversation.

What is this called?: Wat noem mens dit?
Why is it expensive?: Hoekom is dit duur?
How would you like to pay?: Hoe will jy betaal?
Can I come?: Kan ek kom?
Do you know her?: Ken jy haar?
How difficult is it?: Hoe moeilik is dit?
Can I help you?: Kan ek jou help?
Can you help me?: Kan jy my help?
Do you speak English?: Praat jy Engels?
How far is this?: Hoe ver is dit?
What time is it?: Hoe laat is dit?
How much is this?: Hoeveel is dit?
What is your name?: Wat is jou naam?
Where do you live?: Waar woon jy?
When can we meet?: Wanneer kan ons ontmoet?
Who is knocking at the door?: Wie klop aan die deur?

Now that you have explored questions in Afrikaans in the interrogative form, let's move on to the next subject below. Or simply choose your own topic from the menu above.

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Afrikaans Verbs