


Tajik Future

This is a list of verbs in the future tense in Tajik. First let's start with the raw format before conjugating the verbs to the future form. Make sure to compare this table and the one below it.

To see: дидан
To write: навиштан
To love: дуст доштан
dust doštan
To give: додан
To play: бози кардан
bozi kardan
To read: хондан
To understand: фахмидан
To have: доштан
To know: донистан
To learn: омухтан
To think: фикр кардан
fikr kardan
To work: кор кардан
kor kardan
To speak: гап задан
gap zadan
To drive: рондан
To smile: табассум кардан
tabassum kardan
To find: пайдо кардан
pajdo kardan

These samples show how the verbs above are conjugated in the future tense in a sentence which includes all the object pronouns (I, you, she...).

I will see you: Ман шуморо хохам дид
Man šumoro hoham did
I will write with a pen: ман бо ручка хохам навишт
man bo ručka hoham navišt
You will love apples: Шумо себро дуст хохед дошт
Šumo sebro dust hohed došt
You will give money: Шумо пул хохед дод
Šumo pul hohed dod
You will play tennis: Шумо теннисбози хохед кард
Šumo tennisbozi hohed kard
He will read a book: Вай китоб хохад хонд
Vaj kitob hohad hond
He will understand me: Вай манро хохад фахмид
Vaj manro hohad fahmid
She will have a cat: У гурба мегирад
U gurba megirad
She will know you: У туро мешиносад
U turo mešinosad
We will want to see you: Мо туро дидан мехохем
Mo turo didan mehohem
We will think about you: Мо дар бораи ту фикр хохем кард
Mo dar borai tu fikr hohem kard
You (plural) will work here: шумо инчо кор хохед кард
šumo inčo kor hohed kard
You (plural) will speak French: Шумо бо забони фаронсави гап хохед зад
Šumo bo zaboni faronsavi gap hohed zad
They will drive a car: Онхо мошин хоханд ронд
Onho mošin hohand rond
They will smile: Онхо табассум хоханд кард
Onho tabassum hohand kard

After the future tense in Tajik, make sure to check the other tenses (future, and past), which we hope you enjoyed. You can also choose your own topic from the menu above.

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Tajik Past

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Tajik Prepositions

Tajik Prepositions