Vocabulary | Phrases | Grammar |
This is a lesson about negation in Slovak. This includes words or expressions used to form a negative form as opposted to the affirmative. For example "I don't understand".
No: Nie |
Nothing: nič |
Not yet: ešte nie |
No one: nikto |
No longer: už nie |
Never: nikdy |
Cannot: nemȏcť |
Should not: nemȏcť |
The below examples demonstrate how to use the negation form in a sentence. Don't be shy to use of these expressions if you don't know something.
We don't understand: nerozumieme |
I do not speak Japanese: Nehovorím po japonsky |
I cannot remember the word: Nemȏžem si spomenúť na to slovo |
You should not forget this word: Nemal (nemala) by si zabudnúť toto slovo |
No problem!: V pohode! Žiadny problém! |
I don't know!: Neviem! |
I'm not interested!: Nezaujíma ma to! |
Don't worry!: Netráp sa tým! |
This is wrong: To je zle |
This is not correct: To nie je správne |
No one here speaks Greek: Nikto tu nehovorí po grécky |
I'm not fluent in Italian yet: Nehovorím ešte plynule po taliansky |
Now that you have explored the negation in Slovak, let's move on to the next subject below. Or simply choose your own topic from the menu above.
Previous lesson:Slovak Prepositions | Next lesson:Slovak Imperative |