


Maltese Pronouns

This is a list of pronouns in Maltese. This includes subject, object, and the possessive. These are used on a daily basis, so don't skip this lesson. We start with the object pronouns such as "I, you, her ..."

I: Jien
You: Int
He: Hu
She: Hi
We: Aħna
You (pl.): Intom
They: Huma

Here are samples to demonstrate how the object pronoun is used in a sentence.

I love you: Inħobbok (S), Inħobbkom (Pl)
She is beautiful: Hi ħelwa
We are happy: Aħna ferħanin
They are dancing: Huma qed jiżfnu

Now we look into the subject pronoun such as "me, him, us, them ...".

Me: Jien, Jiena, Lili
You: Int, Inti, Lilek (S), Intom, Lilkom (Pl)
Him: Hu, Huwa, Lilu
Her: Hi, Hija, Lilha
Us: Aħna, Lilna
You (pl.): Intom, Lilkom
Them: Huma, Lilhom

These are examples to demonstrate how the subject pronoun is used in a sentence.

Give me your phone number: Tini n-numru ċellulari / tat-telefown tiegħek
I can give you my email: Nista' ntik l-indirizz elettroniku tiegħi
Tell him to call me: Għidlu jċempilli
Can you call us?: Tista' ċċemplilna?

We reach now the possessive adjective part, used to refer to thing we possess. Examples: "my, our, their ...".

My: Tiegħi
Your: Tiegħek
His: Tiegħu
Her: Tagħha
Our: Tagħna
Your (pl.): Tagħkom
Their: Tagħhom

Here are samples to demonstrate how the possessive adjective is used.

My phone number is . . .: In-numru tat-telefown tiegħi hu...
His email is . . .: L-indirizz elettroniku tiegħu hu...
Our dream is to visit Spain: Il-ħolma tagħna hi li nżuru Spanja
Their country is beautiful: Pajjiżhom sabiħ

This is the possessive pronoun. Used as an alternative to the possessive adjectives above. Instead of saying "It is my dog" you can say "It is mine".

Mine: Tiegħi
Yours: Tiegħek (S), Tagħkom (Pl)
His: Tiegħu
Hers: Tagħha
Ours: Tagħna
Yours (pl.): Tagħkom
Theirs: Tagħhom

These are some examples of the possessive pronoun in a sentence.

The book is mine: Dan il-ktieb huwa tiegħi
Is this pen yours?: Din il-pinna hija tiegħek?
The shoes are hers: Iż-żraben huma tagħha
Victory is ours: Ir-rebħa hi tagħna

This page contained a lot of useful information about the pronouns in Maltese. This included the subject, object, and the possessive forms. Let's move on to the next subject below. Or choose your own topic from the menu above.

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