


Maltese Adjectives

This is a list of adjectives in Maltese. This can enable you describe different sizes and a variety of qualities such as (easy, difficult...).

Big: Kbir (M), Kbira (F), Kbar (Pl)
Small: Żgħir (M), Żgħira (F), Żgħar (Pl)
Long: Twil (M), Twila (F), Twal (Pl)
Short: Qasir (M), Qasira (F), Qosra (Pl)
Tall: Twil (M), Twila (F), Twal (Pl)
Thick: Oħxon (M), Ħoxna (F), Ħoxnin (Pl)
Thin: Irqiq (M), Irqiqa (F), Irqaq (Pl)
Wide: Wiesgħa (M, F), Wiesgħin (Pl)

This table provides a list of adjectives of quality shown below. These are some of the most used adjectives in Maltese.

Bad: Ħażin (M), Ħażina (F), Ħżiena (Pl)
Good: Tajjeb (M), Tajba (F), Tajbin (Pl)
Easy: Faċli (M, F, Pl)
Difficult: Diffiċli (M, F, Pl)
Expensive: Għoli (M), Għolja (F), Għoljin (Pl)
Cheap: Irħis (M), Irħisa (F), Irħas (Pl)
Fast: Veloċi
Slow: Bilmod (M, F, Pl)
Old: Xiħ (M), Xiħa (F), Xjuħ (Pl)
Old: Antik (M), Antika (M), Antiki (Pl)
Young: Żgħir (M), Żgħira (F), Żgħar (Pl)
New: Ġdid (M), Ġdida (F), Ġodda (Pl)
Heavy: Tqil (M), Tqila (F), Tqal (Pl)
Light: Ħafif (M), Ħafifa (F), Ħfief (Pl)
Empty: Vojt (M), Vojta (F), Vojta (Pl)
Full: Sħiħ (M), Sħiħa (F), Sħaħ (Pl)
Right: Korrett (M), Korretta (F), Korretti (Pl)
Wrong: Żbaljat (M), Żbaljata (F), Żbaljati (Pl)
Strong: Qawwi (M), Qawwija (F), Qawwija (Pl)
Weak: Dgħajjef (M), Dgħajfa (F), Dgħajfa (Pl)

These samples show how adjectives are used in Maltese. Used in these examples with nouns, prepositions and pronouns.

Is this a new or old book?: Dan il-ktieb ġdid jew qadim?
Is the test easy or difficult?: Dan it-test ħafif jew tqil?
Am I right or wrong?: Għandi raġun jew le?
This is very expensive: Dan antik ħafna (M), Din antika ħafna (F)
Is he younger or older than you?: Hu ikbar jew iżgħar minnek?
Is she tall?: Hi twila?

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