My French is bad: Il-Franċiż tiegħi mhux tajjeb
I need to practice my French: Għandi bżonn nipprattika l-Franċiż tiegħi
Don't worry!: Tinkwetax!
Excuse me? : Skużi?
Sorry: Skużani
No problem!: Mhix problema!
Can you repeat?: Tista' tirrepeti?
Can you speak slowly?: Tista' titkellem bilmod?
Write it down please!: Iktibha, jekk jogħġbok!
I don't understand!: Mhux nifhem!
Did you understand what I said?: Fhimt x'ghidt?
What is this?: Din x'inhi?
I don't know!: Ma nafx!
What's that called in French?: X'jgħidulha bil-Franċiż?
What does that word mean in English?: Xi tfisser dik il-kelma bl-Ingliż?
How do you say "OK" in French?: Kif tgħid "tajjeb" bil-Franċiż?
Is that right?: Hekk tajjeb?
Is that wrong?: Hekk ħażin?
What should I say?: X'għandi ngħid? |
What?: Xiex? / X'inhu? |