Vocabulary | Phrases | Grammar |
This is a list of jobs in Macedonian. This will help you describe what you do for a living. It is especially useful when introducing yourself.
Doctor: лекар lekar |
Policeman: полицаец policaec |
Teacher: наставник nastavnik |
Businessman: бизнисмен biznismen |
Student: студент student |
Singer: пејач peJač |
Engineer: инженер inžener |
Artist: уметник umetnik |
Actor: актер akter |
Actress: актерка akterka |
Nurse: медицинска сестра medicinska sestra |
Translator: преведувач preveduvač |
These examples will help you answer the question "What do you do?" or "What do you do for a living?". Note how the personal pronouns are used with the nouns in this sentence.
I'm looking for a job: барам работа baram rabota |
I'm an artist: Јас сум уметник Jas sum umetnik |
He is a policeman: Тој е полицаец ToJ e policaec |
She is a singer: Таа е пејачка Taa e peJačka |
I'm a new employee: Јас сум нов работник Jas sum nov rabotnik |
I have a long experience: Имам долго искуство Imam dolgo iskustvo |
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