Vocabulary | Phrases | Grammar |
This is a list of house related words in Macedonian. These household objects are important to know because they're found in every part of a home.
Bed: кревет krevet |
Bedroom: спална соба spalna soba |
Carpet: килим kilim |
Ceiling: таван tavan |
Chair: стол stol |
Computer: компјутер kompJuter |
Desk: биро biro |
Door: врата vrata |
Furniture: мебел mebel |
House: куќа kuḱa |
Kitchen: кујна kuJna |
Refrigerator: ладилник ladilnik |
Roof: покрив pokriv |
Room: соба soba |
Table: маса masa |
Television: телевизија televiziJa |
Toilet: тоалет toalet |
Window: прозорец prozorec |
Stove: шпорет šporet |
Wall: ѕид dzid |
The following sentences contain some of the household items above which you might find handy.
I'm watching television: Гледам телевизија Gledam televiziJa |
I need to use the toilet: Треба да одам во тоалет Treba da odam vo toalet |
Can you close the door?: Може да ја затворите вратата? Može da Ja zatvorite vratata? |
Can you open the window?: Може да го отворите прозорецот? Može da go otvorite prozorecot? |
This room is very big: Собава е многу голема Sobava e mnogu golema |
I need to use the computer: Ми треба компјутерот Mi treba kompJuterot |
Now that we have reviewed the house related words in Macedonian. Let's check out the next topic by choosing the lesson below or choose your own topic from the menu above.
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