Vocabulary | Phrases | Grammar |
This is a list of words about family in Hindi. You can name people such as your relatives as well as extended family this way.
Daughter: बेटी bēṭī |
Son: पुत्र (बेटा) putra (bēṭā) |
Sister: बहन bahana |
Brother: भाई bhāī |
Baby: बच्चा baccā |
Child (m): बाल (पुरुष) bāla (puruṣa) |
Child (f): बच्चा (महिला) baccā (mahilā) |
Father: पिता pitā |
Mother: माता mātā |
Husband: पति pati |
Wife: पत्नी patnī |
Cousin (m): चचेरा (पुरुष) cacērā (puruṣa) |
Cousin (f): चचेरी (महिला) cacērē bhāī (mahilā) |
Aunt: चाची cācī |
Uncle: चाचा cācā |
Grandfather: दादा dādā |
Grandmother: दादी dādī |
Nephew: भतीजा bhatījā |
Niece: भतीजी bhatījī |
Man: आदमी ādamī |
Woman: महिला mahilā |
Boy: लड़का laṛakā |
Girl: लड़की laṛakī |
People: लोग lōga |
These examples show how family words are used in a Hindi sentence. Very useful when socializing with other people. This can also show you how to ask questions.
What's your brother called?: अापके भाई का क्या नाम है ? apanē bhāī kyā kahā jātā hai? |
How old is your sister?: अापकी बहन कितनी बड़ी है? apanī bahana kitanī sāla kī hai? |
Where does your father work?: आपके पिता कहाँ काम करते हैं? āpakē pitā kahā̃ kāma karatē haĩ? |
Your daughter is very cute: आपकी बेटी बहुत प्यारी है āpakī bēṭī bahuta pyārī hai |
I love my husband: मैं अपने पति से प्यार करती हूँ maĩ apanē pati sē pyāra karatā hū̃ |
This is my wife: यह मेरी पत्नी है yaha mērī patnī hai |
With the above list you will be able to discuss how many siblings you have or ask others about their family. Now let's go to the next topic by clicking the "Next" button. Or simply choose your own topic from the menu above.
Previous lesson:Hindi Colors | Next lesson:Hindi Body |