Vocabulary | Phrases | Grammar |
This is a list of adjectives in Hindi. This can enable you describe different sizes and a variety of qualities such as (easy, difficult...).
Big: बड़ा baṛā |
Small: लघु laghu |
Long: दीर्घ dīrgha |
Short: छोटा chōṭā |
Tall: लम्बा lambā |
Thick: मोटा mōṭā |
Thin: पतला patalā |
Wide: चौड़ा cauṛā | ***--
This table provides a list of adjectives of quality shown below. These are some of the most used adjectives in Hindi.
Bad: खराब kharāba |
Good: अच्छा acchā |
Easy: आसान āsāna |
Difficult: मुश्किल muśkila |
Expensive: महँगा maham̐gā |
Cheap: सस्ता sastā |
Fast: तेज tēja |
Slow: धीमा dhīmā |
Old: बूढा (युवा के विपरीत) būḍhā (yuvā kē viparīta) |
Old: पुराने (नए के विपरीत) purānē (naē kē viparīta) |
Young: जवान javāna |
New: नया nayā |
Heavy: भारी bhārī |
Light: हल्का (भारी के विपरीत) halkā (bhārī kē viparīta) |
Empty: खाली khālī |
Full: पूर्ण pūrṇa |
Right: राइट (सही) rāiṭa (sahī) |
Wrong: गलत galata |
Strong: मज़बूत mazabūta |
Weak: कमजोर kamajōra |
These samples show how adjectives are used in Hindi. Used in these examples with nouns, prepositions and pronouns.
Is this a new or old book?: क्या यह किताब नई है या पुरानी? kyā yaha kitāba naī yā purānī hai? |
Is the test easy or difficult?: क्या यह परीक्षण आसान है या मुश्किल ? kyā yaha parīkṣaṇa āsāna yā muśkila hai? |
Am I right or wrong?: मैं सही हूँ या गलत? maĩ sahī hū̃ yā galata? |
This is very expensive: यह बहुत महँगा है yaha bahuta maham̐gā hai |
Is he younger or older than you?: क्या वह आपसे छोटा है या बड़ा? kyā vaha āpasē chōṭā yā baṛā hai? |
Is she tall?: क्या वह लंबा है? kyā vaha lambā hai? |
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