Vocabulary | Phrases | Grammar |
This is a list of adverbs in Hindi. This includes adverbs of time, place, manner and frequency. Which sums up most of what you need for daily use.
Now: अब aba |
Later: बाद में bāda mē̃ |
Tonight: आज रात āja rāta |
Last night: कल रात kala rāta |
This morning: आज सुबह āja subaha |
Yesterday: कल (बीता हुआ) kala (bītā huā) |
Today: आज āja |
Tomorrow: कल kala |
Next week: अगले सप्ताह agalē saptāha |
Already: पहले ही pahalē hī |
Recently: हाल ही में hāla hī mē̃ |
Lately: बाद में ही hāla hī mē̃ |
Soon: शीघ्र śīghra |
Immediately: तत्काल tatkāla |
Still: अब तक aba taka |
Yet: अभी तक abhī taka | ***--
After the above adverbs of time, now we move on to adverbs of place.
Here: यहाँ yahā̃ |
There: वहाँ vahā̃ |
Everywhere: हर जगह hara jagaha |
Anywhere: कहीं भी kahī̃ bhī | ***--
Now adverbs of manners, used to describe how something happens. They are usually placed after the main verb.
Carefully: ध्यान से dhyāna sē |
Alone: अकेला akēlā |
Very: बहुत bahuta |
Really: वास्तव में vāstava mē̃ |
Quickly: जल्दी से jaldī sē |
Slowly: धीरे से dhīrē sē |
Almost: लगभग lagabhaga |
Together: एक साथ ēka sātha | ***--
These are adverbs of frequency, which are used to answer the question "how often?".
Always: हमेशा hamēśā |
Sometimes: कभी कभी kabhī kabhī |
Rarely: शायद ही कभी śāyada hī kabhī |
Never: कभी नहीं kabhī nahī̃ |
We hope the adverbs lesson in Hindi was useful to you. Let's move on to the next subject below. Or choose your own topic from the menu above.
Previous lesson:Hindi Adjectives | Next lesson:Hindi Plural |