


School in Galician

This is a list of school related words in Galician. To help you discuss topics in your classrom with other students. We focused on the main used ones.

Book: libro
Books: libros
Pen: pluma
Dictionary: dicionario
Library: biblioteca
Desk: escritorio
Student: estudante
Teacher: profesor
Chair: cadeira
Paper: papel
Page: páxina
Pencil: lapis
Notebook: libreta
Laptop: ordenador portatil
Question: pregunta
Answer: resposta
School: escola
University: universidade
To write: escribir
To read: ler
To speak: falar
To listen: escoitar
To think: pensar
To understand: entender

These are a couple sentences you might need to use in a classroom.

I have a question: teño unha pregunta
What's the name of that book?: cál é o nome de ese libro?

After the school related words in Galician. Let's check out the next topic by choosing the lesson below or choose your own topic from the menu above.

Galician CountriesPrevious lesson:

Galician Countries

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Galician House

Galician House