Galician Shopping
This is a list of expressions about shopping in Galician. Useful in supermarkets, sightseeing, and when haggling to get a good bargain.
How much is this?: canto é isto? / canto costa isto?
Can you take less?: podes coller menos?
I'm just looking: só estou mirando / botando unha ollada
This is too expensive: isto é demasiado caro
Do you accept credit cards?: acepta / aceptades(Plural form) tarxetas de crédito? |
Only cash please!: só diñeiro en efectivo por favor |
The following vocabulary is related to shopping places where you might need to buy goods or services.
Expensive: caro
Cheap: barato
Cafe: cafeteria
Cinema: cine
Supermarket: Supermercados
Gas station: gasolineira
Museum: museo
Pharmacy: farmacia
Credit card: tarxeta de crédito |
Cash: diñeiro en efectivo / en metálico |
Check: cheque |
Parking: aparcadoiro |
Hopefully these expressions of shopping in Galician can help you get around town and get some good bargains. Check our menu above to select another topic or click the "Next" button to view the next lesson.
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