Countries in Galician
This is a list of some popular countries in Galician. It is a nice addition to our other 2 pages: Languages and Nationalities.
Britain: gran bretaña
Morocco: marrocos
China: china
Brazil: brasil
America: américa
France: francia
Germany: alemaña
Greece: grecia
Israel: israel
India: india
Ireland: irlanda
Italy: italia
Japan: xapón
Korea: corea
Iran: irán
Portugal: portugal
Russia: rusia |
Spain: españa |
Sweden: suecia |
Pakistan: pakistán |
Now we will put some of the words above into a sentence which you might use in a regular conversation about nations. All you need is to swap the countries but keep the same sentence structure.
I live in America: vivo en América
I want to go to Germany: quero ir a Alemaña
I came from Spain: vin de España
I was born in Italy: nacín en Italia
Japan is a beautiful country: Xapón é un país fermoso |
Have you ever been to India?: fuches algunha vez á India? |
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