Galician Adjectives
This is a list of adjectives in Galician. This can enable you describe different sizes and a variety of qualities such as (easy, difficult...).
Big: grande
Small: pequeno
Long: longo
Short: curto
Tall: alto |
Thick: groso |
Thin: fino |
Wide: largo |
This table provides a list of adjectives of quality shown below. These are some of the most used adjectives in Galician.
Bad: malo
Good: bo
Easy: doado
Difficult: difícil
Expensive: caro
Cheap: barato
Fast: rápido
Slow: lento
Old: vello
Old: antigo
Young: novo
New: novo
Heavy: pesado
Light: luz
Empty: baleiro
Full: completo
Right: corrixir |
Wrong: mal |
Strong: poderoso |
Weak: débil |
These samples show how adjectives are used in Galician. Used in these examples with nouns, prepositions and pronouns.
Is this a new or old book?: é un libro novo ou antigo?
Is the test easy or difficult?: o exame é sinxelo ou dificil?
Am I right or wrong?: teño razón ou non?
This is very expensive: isto é moi caro
Is he younger or older than you?: el é máis xoven ou máis vello ca tí? (informal) / ca vostede? (polite) |
Is she tall?: ela é alta? |
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