


Galician Negation

This is a lesson about negation in Galician. This includes words or expressions used to form a negative form as opposted to the affirmative. For example "I don't understand".

No: non
Nothing: nada
Not yet: non ainda
No one: ninguén
No longer: xa non
Never: nunca
Cannot: non podes
Should not: non deberías / non debería

The below examples demonstrate how to use the negation form in a sentence. Don't be shy to use of these expressions if you don't know something.

We don't understand: non entendemos
I do not speak Japanese: non falo Xaponés
I cannot remember the word: non podo lembrar a palabra
You should not forget this word: non deberías (informal) / non debería (polite) esquecer esta palabra
No problem!: sen problema!
I don't know!: non sei!
I'm not interested!: non estou interesado (M) / interesada (F)
Don't worry!: non te preocupes! (informal) / non se preocupe! (polite)
This is wrong: isto está mal
This is not correct: isto non é correcto
No one here speaks Greek: ninguén fala Grego aquí
I'm not fluent in Italian yet: non teño fluidez co Italiano ainda

Now that you have explored the negation in Galician, let's move on to the next subject below. Or simply choose your own topic from the menu above.

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Galician Prepositions

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Galician Imperative

Galician Imperative