


Romanian Directions

These are expressions used when giving or getting directions in Romanian. Very useful when trying to find your way around or when lost.

Excuse me! (to ask someone): Scuzati-ma!
Can you show me?: Imi puteti arata?
I'm lost: Sunt pierdut
I'm not from here: Nu sunt de aici
Can I help you?: Te pot ajuta?
Can you help me?: Ma poti ajuta?
It's near here: Este aproape
It's far from here: Este departe
Go straight: Mergi drept inainte
Turn left: Intoarce spre stanga
Turn right: Intoarce spre dreapta
One moment please!: O clipa te rog!
Come with me!: Vino cu mine!
How can I get to the museum? : Cum ajung la muzeu?
How long does it take to get there?: Cat timp dureaza sa ajung acolo?
Downtown (city center): Centru

The following are words which might be used alone or in combination with other words to ask or give directions.

Near: Langa
Far: Departe
Right: Dreapta
Left: Stanga
Straight: Inainte
There: acolo
Here: aici
To walk: Pe jos
To drive: Cu masina
To turn:
Traffic light: Semafor

We hope you will not need to ask for directions in Romanian. If you do need help then the above sentences are essential. Check our menu above to select another topic or click the "Next" button to view the next lesson.

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