


Turkish Prepositions

This is a list of prepositions in Turkish. This includes words related to positions (i.e. under, on top of ...), conjunctions (and, but ...) and many more.

On top of: üzerinde
Under: altında
Inside: içinde
Outside: dışında
Behind: arkasında
In front of: önünde
Near: yakınında
Between: arasında

These are more popular prepositions you might find useful at some point or another.

After: sonra
Before: önce
With: ile
Without: olmadan
Since: beri
Until: kadar
Of: ...nın
From: itibaren
To: ... (y)a
Instead of: yerine
In: içinde
Against: karşısında
As: gibi
About: hakkında
For: için

The following are conjunctions used to connect words, sentences, or phrases.

And: ve
Or: Veya
But: ama
So: Böylece

Now is the time for some prepositions used in a sentence. We are using the following: (from, under, inside, with, in, but) as examples.

I'm from Japan: Japonyalıyım
The pen is under the desk: Kalem masanın altında
The letter is inside the book: Mektup kitabın içinde
Can I practice Italian with you?: Seninle İtalyanca pratiği yapabilir miyim?
I was born in Miami: Miami'de doğdum
I speak French but with an accent: Fransızca konuşuyorum, ama aksanlı

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Turkish Negation