


Dutch Mistakes

This is a list of mistakes in Dutch. Helpful when trying to learn a new word. Also useful when there is a misunderstanding or confusion.

My French is bad: Mijn Frans is slecht
I need to practice my French: Ik moet mijn Frans oefenen
Don't worry!: Niet stressen / Maak je geen zorgen
Excuse me? : Wablieft?
Sorry: Sorry (zich verontschuldigen)
No problem!: Geen probleem
Can you repeat?: Kun je herhalen
Can you speak slowly?: Kun je langzaam praten
Write it down please!: Kun je dat voor me opschrijven, alstjeblieft?
I don't understand!: Ik snap / begrijp het niet
Did you understand what I said?: Snap / Begrijp je wat ik zei
What is this?: Wat is dit?
I don't know!: Ik weet het niet
What's that called in French?: Hoe zeg je dat in het Frans?
What does that word mean in English?: Wat betekend dat woord in het Engels
How do you say "OK" in French?: Hoe zeg je OK in het Frans?
Is that right?: Is dat juist
Is that wrong?: Is dat verkeerd
What should I say?: Wat zal ik zeggen
What?: Wat?

These are some words from the above sentences that you might also need to use by themselves.

Mistake: Fout
To speak: Spreken
Slowly: Langzaam
Quickly: Snel

Hopefully the expressions for mistakes in Dutch can help you clear some misunderstanding and allow you to ask questions. Check out the next topic below or choose your own subject from the menu above.

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Dutch Animals

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Dutch Shopping

Dutch Shopping