


Slovak Directions

These are expressions used when giving or getting directions in Slovak. Very useful when trying to find your way around or when lost.

Excuse me! (to ask someone): Prepáčte,... (ak chcete niekoho o niečo požiadať)
Can you show me?: Ukážeš / ukážete mi prosím?
I'm lost: Stratil / stratila som sa.
I'm not from here: Nie som odtiaľto.
Can I help you?: Ako vám viem pomôcť?
Can you help me?: Môžete mi pomôcť?
It's near here: Je to blízko.
It's far from here: Je to ďaleko.
Go straight: Choď / choďte rovno.
Turn left: Zahni / zahnite doľava.
Turn right: Zahni / zahnite doprava.
One moment please!: Chvíľku prosím!
Come with me!: Poď / poďte so mnou!
How can I get to the museum? : Ako sa dostanem do múzea?
How long does it take to get there?: Ako dlho trvá, kým sa tam dostanem / dostaneme?
Downtown (city center): Center mesta

The following are words which might be used alone or in combination with other words to ask or give directions.

Near: blízko
Far: ďaleko
Right: vpravo
Left: vľavo
Straight: rovno
There: tam
Here: tu
To walk: prechádzať sa
To drive: jazdiť
To turn: otočiť (sa)
Traffic light: semafóry

We hope you will not need to ask for directions in Slovak. If you do need help then the above sentences are essential. Check our menu above to select another topic or click the "Next" button to view the next lesson.

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