


Languages in Slovak

This is a list of some common languages in Slovak. This lesson is complementary to our other 2 pages: Nationality and Countries.

English: angličtina
Arabic: arabčina
Chinese: čínština
Brazilian: portugalčina
French: francúzština
German: nemčina, nemecký jazyk
Greek: gréčtina
Hebrew: Hebrejčina
Hindi: hindčina
Irish: írčina
Italian: taliančina
Japanese: japončina
Korean: Kórejčina
Latin: Latinčina
Persian: perzština, iránčina
Portuguese: portugalčina
Russian: ruština
Spanish: španielčina
Swedish: švédsky
Urdu: Urdu

Now we will put some of the words above into a sentence which you might use in a regular conversation. All you need is to swap languages but keep the same sentence structure.

I speak Italian: Hovorím po taliansky
I want to learn Spanish: Chcem sa učiť španielčinu.
My mother tongue is German: Mȏj rodný jazyk je nemčina.
I love the Japanese language: Páči sa mi japončina.
I don't speak Korean: Nehovorím po korejsky.
Spanish is easy to learn: Španielčina sa učí ľahko.

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Slovak Nationalities

Slovak Nationalities