


Slovak Mistakes

This is a list of mistakes in Slovak. Helpful when trying to learn a new word. Also useful when there is a misunderstanding or confusion.

My French is bad: Nehovorím dobre po francúzky.
I need to practice my French: Musím si precvičovať francúštinu.
Don't worry!: Netráp sa!
Excuse me? : Ako prosím? / Prepáčte..
Sorry: Prepáč (Prepáčte)
No problem!: To nevadí / nič sa nedeje
Can you repeat?: Mȏžte to zopakovať? (polite version)
Can you speak slowly?: Mȏžeš (Mȏžte) hovoriť pomaly?
Write it down please!: Napíš (Napíšte) to prosím!
I don't understand!: Nerozumiem!
Did you understand what I said?: Rozumieš / rozumiete tomu, čo som povedal / povedala?
What is this?: Čo je to?
I don't know!: Neviem!
What's that called in French?: Ako sa to povie po francúzky?
What does that word mean in English?: Čo toto slovo znamená v angličtine?
How do you say "OK" in French?: Ako sa povie "OK" po francúzky?
Is that right?: Je to správne?
Is that wrong?: Je to zle?
What should I say?: Čo by som mal povedať? (male speaker)
What?: Čo? / Čože?

These are some words from the above sentences that you might also need to use by themselves.

Mistake: Chyba
To speak: Hovoriť / rozprávať
Slowly: Pomaly
Quickly: rýchlo

Hopefully the expressions for mistakes in Slovak can help you clear some misunderstanding and allow you to ask questions. Check out the next topic below or choose your own subject from the menu above.

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Slovak Shopping

Slovak Shopping