


Spanish (Latin America) Weather

This is a list of words about the weather in Spanish (Latin America). That way you can describe what kind of weather and temperature it is where you live.

Cloudy: nublado
Cold: frío
Foggy: Nebuloso / Hay neblina
Humid: húmedo
Hot: calor
Warm: Tibio
Rain: lluvia
Rainy: lluvioso
Snow: nieve
Snowing: nevando
Sun: sol
Sunny: soleado
Wind: viento
Windy: ventoso
Spring: primavera
Summer: verano
Autumn: otoño
Winter: invierno
Umbrella: sombrilla
Storm: tormenta

These examples put some of the above words about weather in a sentence to show you how those expressions can be used.

Today is nice weather: hoy el clima está agradable
Yesterday was bad weather: ayer estuvo feo el clima
It is raining: está lloviendo
It is sunny: está soleado
It is windy: hace viento--
It is cold: hace frío

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