


House in Spanish (Latin America)

This is a list of house related words in Spanish (Latin America). These household objects are important to know because they're found in every part of a home.

Bed: cama
Bedroom: recámara
Carpet: alfombra
Ceiling: techo
Chair: silla
Computer: computadora
Desk: escritorio
Door: puerta
Furniture: muebles
House: casa
Kitchen: cocina
Refrigerator: refrigerador
Roof: azotea
Room: cuarto
Table: mesa
Television: televisión
Toilet: baño
Window: ventana
Stove: estufa
Wall: pared

The following sentences contain some of the household items above which you might find handy.

I'm watching television: estoy viendo la televisión
I need to use the toilet: necesito ir al baño
Can you close the door?: ¿Puedes cerrar la puerta?
Can you open the window?: ¿Puedes abrir la ventana?
This room is very big: esta habitación es muy grande
I need to use the computer: necesito utilizar la computadora

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