


Cantonese Questions

This page provides information about the questions in Cantonese, also called the interrogative form. This will enable you to ask people about different topics.

How?: 點樣?
diǎn yàng?
What?: 咩嘢?
Miē yě?
Who?: 邊個?
Biān gè?
Why?: 點解?
Diǎn jiě?
Where?: 邊度?
Biān dù?
When?: 幾時?

These are sentences which include the above tools to ask questions. Asking questions is a very good way to learn a language or start a conversation.

What is this called?: 呢個叫咩?
Ne gè jiào miē?
Why is it expensive?: 點解呢個咁貴?
Diǎn jiě ne gè hán guì?
How would you like to pay?: 你想點樣俾錢?
Nǐ xiǎng diǎn yàng bǐ qián?
Can I come?: 我可唔可以嚟?
Wǒ kě wú kěyǐ lí?
Do you know her?: 你識唔識佢?
Nǐ shí wú shí qú?
How difficult is it?: 有幾難?
Yǒu jǐ nán?
Can I help you?: 我有咩幫到你?
Wǒ yǒu miē bāng dào nǐ?
Can you help me?: 你可唔可以幫我?
Nǐ kě wú kěyǐ bāng wǒ?
Do you speak English?: 你識唔識英文?
Nǐ shí wú shì yīngwén?
How far is this?: 有幾遠?
Yǒu jǐ yuǎn?
What time is it?: 依家幾點?
Yī jiā jǐ diǎn?
How much is this?: 呢個幾錢?
Ne gè jǐ qián?
What is your name?: 你叫咩名?
Nǐ jiào miē míng?
Where do you live?: 你住喺邊?
Nǐ zhù xì biān?
When can we meet?: 我哋可以幾時見面?
Wǒ diè kěyǐ jǐshí jiànmiàn?
Who is knocking at the door?: 邊個喺度敲門?
Biān gè xì dù qiāo mén?

Now that you have explored questions in Cantonese in the interrogative form, let's move on to the next subject below. Or simply choose your own topic from the menu above.

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Cantonese Verbs