


Spanish (Latin America) Articles

Here are examples of the articles in Spanish (Latin America). This includes the use of (a, the, many, and some). As well as demonstrative adjectives (this, that ...).

The yellow pen is easy to find: Es fácil encontrar la pluma amarilla
A yellow pen is easy to find: Es fácil encontrar una pluma amarilla
A French teacher is here: Aquí hay un maestro de francés
The French teacher is here: El maestro de francés está aquí
Some languages are hard: Algunos idiomas son difíciles
Many languages are easy: Muchos idiomas son fáciles
The student speaks Korean: El alumno habla coreano
A student speaks Korean: Una alumno habla coreano
Some students speak Korean: Algunos alumnos hablan coreano
Many students speak Korean: Varios alumnos hablan coreano
This student speaks Korean: Este alumno habla coreano
That student speaks Korean: El alumno habla coreano
These students speak Korean: Estos alumnos hablan coreano
Those students speak Korean: Aquellos alumnos hablan coreano

Now that you have explored the articles in Spanish (Latin America), let's move on to the next subject below. Or simply choose your own topic from the menu above.

Spanish (Latin America) PronounsPrevious lesson:

Spanish (Latin America) Pronouns

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Spanish (Latin America) Questions

Spanish (Latin America) Questions