


Spanish (Latin America) Clothes

This is a list of clothes in Spanish (Latin America). This can enable you to describe what you are wearing or what dress you would like to purchase from a store.

Coat: abrigo
Dress: vestido
Hat: sombrero
Jacket: chaqueta
Pants: pantalones
Shirt: camisa
Shoes: zapatos
Socks: calcetines
Underwear: ropa interior
Sweater: Suéter
Suit: traje
Tie: corbata
Belt: cinturón
Gloves: guantes
Umbrella: paraguas
Wallet: cartera
Watch: reloj
Glasses: Lentes
Ring: anillo
Clothes: ropa

Now we will see some of the expressions used above in a sentence. They could be used when trying new clothes or when complementing others.

These shoes are small: estos zapatos son chicos
These pants are long: estos pantalones son largos
I lost my socks: perdí mis calcetines
She has a beautiful ring: ella tiene un hermoso anillo
Do you like my dress?: ¿ Te gusta mi vestido?
It looks good on you: Te queda bien

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