


Sundanese Jobs

This is a list of jobs in Sundanese. This will help you describe what you do for a living. It is especially useful when introducing yourself.

Doctor: dokter
Policeman: pulisi
Teacher: guru
Businessman: pangusaha
Student: siswa
Singer: penyanyi
Engineer: insinyur
Artist: seniman
Actor: seniman
Actress: seniwati
Nurse: perawat
Translator: penterjemah

These examples will help you answer the question "What do you do?" or "What do you do for a living?". Note how the personal pronouns are used with the nouns in this sentence.

I'm looking for a job: abdi kanggo pilari paggawean
I'm an artist: abdi teh seniman
He is a policeman: anjeunna pulisi
She is a singer: anjeunna penyanyi
I'm a new employee: abdi pagawe anyar
I have a long experience: abdi gaduh seueur pangalaman

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