


Somali Restaurant

These are expressions used in restaurants in Somali. Very useful when ordering from a menu in combination with our Somali Food list.

Where is there a good restaurant?: Xageebay maqaayad fiican ku taalaa?
I'm vegetarian: Hilibka ma cuno
What's the name of this dish?: Waa maxay magaca cuntadaan?
Waiter / waitress!: Kabalyeeri / Kabalyeeriyad / Mudalab
May we have the check please?: Fadlan jeegeena ma heli karnaa?
It is very delicious!: Aad bay u macaan tahay!
What do you recommend?: Maxaa nagula talin lahayd inaan cuno?
The bill please!: Fadlan lacagtaan bixinayno noo sheeg!

The following items can be found in restaurants as well as kitchens. Which means it would be useful to memorize them.

Spicy: qaji leh
Sweet: Macaan
Salty: Cusbeeysan
Plate: Saxan
Fork: Fargeeto
Knife: Mindi
Spoon: Qaado
Table: Miis
Menu: Buuga cuntada laga dalbado
Food: Cunto
Dessert: Mac-macaan
Water: Biyo
A cup of: Koob ah
A glass of: Bakeeri ah
Salad: Ansalaato
Soup: Maraq
Bread: Rooti
Black pepper: Fil-fil
Salt: Cusbo
Tip: Baqshiish (lacagta kabalyeeriga)
Napkin: Istaraasho / Af maris

Hopefully these expressions of restaurant in Somali can help you order off the menu or ask waiters items you might need. Check our menu above to select another topic or click the "Next" button to view the next lesson.

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