


Slovene Greetings

This is a list of greetings in Slovene. Helpful when trying to check how others are doing or feeling during different times of the day.

Hi!: Živijo
Good morning!: Dobro jutro
Good afternoon!: Dober dan
Good evening!: Dober večer
Welcome!: Dobrodošli
How are you? (friendly): Kako si
How are you? (polite): Kako ste
What's up? (colloquial) : Kaj se dogaja?
I'm fine, thank you!: V redu sem, hvala
And you? (friendly): In ti?
And you? (polite): In vi?
Good: Dobro
Bad: Slabo
Happy: Veselo / Vesel
Sad: Žalostno / Žalosten
Thank you!: Hvala!
Thank you very much!: Najlepša hvala
You're welcome!: Ni za kaj
Have a nice day!: Želim ti / vam lep dan
Good night!: Lahko noč
See you later!: Se vidimo kasneje
Have a good trip!: Srečno pot
It was nice talking to you!: Lepo je bilo govoriti s tabo!

The above greetings in Slovene are essential to daily conversations. You are very likely to use at least one of them in any given day. Check out the next topic below or choose your own subject from the menu above.

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