Vocabulary | Phrases | Grammar |
This is a list of some common nationalities in Persian. It is a nice addition to our other 2 pages: Languages and Countries.
British: بریتانیایی bry̰tạny̰ạy̰y̰ |
Moroccan: مراکشی mrạḵsẖy̰ |
Chinese: چینی cẖy̰ny̰ |
Brazilian: برزیلی brzy̰ly̰ |
American: امریکایی ạmry̰ḵạy̰y̰ |
French: فرانسوی frạnswy̰ |
German: آلمانی ậlmạny̰ |
Greek: یونانی y̰wnạny̰ |
Israeli: *** *** |
Indian: هندی hndy̰ |
Irish: ایرلندی ạy̰rlndy̰ |
Italian: ایتالیایی ạy̰tạly̰ạy̰y̰ |
Japanese: ژاپنی zẖạpny̰ |
Korean: کرهای ḵrhạy̰ |
Iranian: ایرانی ạy̰rạny̰ |
Portuguese: پرتغالی prtgẖạly̰ |
Russian: روسی rwsy̰ |
Spanish: اسپانیولی ạspạny̰wly̰ |
Swedish: سوئدی swỷdy̰ |
Pakistani: پاکستانی pạḵstạny̰ |
Now we will put some of the words above into a sentence which you might use in a regular conversation about citizenship. All you need is to swap the nationality but keep the same sentence structure.
I'm Italian: من ایتالیایی هستم mn ạy̰tạly̰ạy̰y̰ hstm |
My wife is Korean: همسر من کرهای است hmsr mn ḵrhạy̰ ạst |
My father is Greek: پدر من یونانی است pdr mn y̰wnạny̰ ạst |
I have an American car: من یک ماشین امریکایی دارم mn y̰ḵ mạsẖy̰n ạmry̰ḵạy̰y̰ dạrm |
I love French cheese: من عاشق پنیر فرانسوی هستم mn ʿạsẖq pny̰r frạnswy̰ hstm |
He has a Moroccan rug: او یک قالیچه مراکشی دارد ạw y̰ḵ qạly̰cẖh mrạḵsẖy̰ dạrd |
We hope you enjoyed this lesson about nationalities in Persian. Let's check out the next topic by choosing the lesson below or choose your own topic from the menu above.
Previous lesson:Persian Languages | Next lesson:Persian Countries |