


Nepali Future

This is a list of verbs in the future tense in Nepali. First let's start with the raw format before conjugating the verbs to the future form. Make sure to compare this table and the one below it.

To see: हेर्नु
To write: लेख्नु
To love: माया गर्नु
māyā garnu
To give: िदनु
To play: खेल्नु
To read: पदनु
To understand: बुज्नु
To have: खानु
To know: बुज्नु
To learn: िसक्नु
To think: सोच्नु
To work: काम गर्नु
kāma garnu
To speak: बोल्नु
To drive: हाक्नु
To smile: हास्नु
To find: खोज्नु

These samples show how the verbs above are conjugated in the future tense in a sentence which includes all the object pronouns (I, you, she...).

I will see you: म ितमीलाई भेत्ने छु।
Ma ̔itamīlā'ī bhētnē chu.
I will write with a pen: म कलमले लेखने छु।
Ma kalamalē lēkhanē chu.
You will love apples: ितमीले स्याऊ मन पराउने छ।
̔Itamīlē syā'ū mana parā'unē cha.
You will give money: ितमीले पैसा िदनेछौ।
̔Itamīlē paisā ̔idanēchau.
You will play tennis: ितमी टेनिस खेल्नेछौ।
̔Itamī ṭēnisa khēlnēchau.
He will read a book: उसले िकताब पद्ने छ।
Usalē ̔ikatāba padnē cha.
He will understand me: उसले मलाई बुज्नेछ।
Usalē malā'ī bujnēcha.
She will have a cat: ऊ सँग िबरालो हुनेछ।
Ū sam̐ga ̔ibarālō hunēcha.
She will know you: उसले ितमीलाई चिन्नेछ।
Usalē ̔itamīlā'ī cinnēcha.
We will want to see you: हामी ितमीलाई भेत्न चाहान्छौ।
Hāmī ̔itamīlā'ī bhētna cāhānchau.
We will think about you: हामीले ितमीलाई सम्ज्नेछौ।
Hāmīlē ̔itamīlā'ī samjnēchau.
You (plural) will work here: ितमीहरुले यँहा काम गर्ने छौ
̔Itamīharulē yam̐hā kāma garnē chau
You (plural) will speak French: ितमीहरुले फेन्च भाषा बोल्नेछौ ।--
̔itamīharulē phēnca bhāṣā bōlnēchau.--
They will drive a car: ऊनीहरुले गाढी चलाउने िछन्।
Ūnīharulē gāḍhī calā'unē ̔ichan.
They will smile: ऊनीहरु हास्नेछन्।
Ūnīharu hāsnēchan.

After the future tense in Nepali, make sure to check the other tenses (future, and past), which we hope you enjoyed. You can also choose your own topic from the menu above.

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Nepali Past

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