


Gaelic Questions

This page provides information about the questions in Gaelic, also called the interrogative form. This will enable you to ask people about different topics.

How?: Ciamar?
What?: Dè?
Who?: Cò?
Why?: Carson?
Where?: Càite?
When?: Cuin?

These are sentences which include the above tools to ask questions. Asking questions is a very good way to learn a language or start a conversation.

What is this called?: Dè an t-ainm a th' air seo?
Why is it expensive?: Carson a tha e daor?
How would you like to pay?: Ciamar a tha thu ag iarraidh cluich?
Can I come?: Am faod mi tighinn?
Do you know her?: A bheil thu eòlach oirre?
How difficult is it?: Ciamar cho doirbh a tha e?
Can I help you?: Am faod mi gad chuideachadh?
Can you help me?: Am faod thu gam chuideachadh?
Do you speak English?: A bheil Beurla agad?
How far is this?: Ciamar cho fada a tha seo?
What time is it?: Dè an uair a tha e?
How much is this?: Ciamar cho prìseil a tha seo?
What is your name?: Dè an t-ainm a th' ort?
Where do you live?: Càite a bheil thu a' fuireachd?
When can we meet?: Cuin an urrainn dhuinn gar faicinn?
Who is knocking at the door?: Cò tha a' gnogadh air an doras?

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