


French Restaurant

These are expressions used in restaurants in French. Very useful when ordering from a menu in combination with our French Food list.

Where is there a good restaurant?: Où peut-on trouver un bon restaurant?
I'm vegetarian: Je suis végétarien
What's the name of this dish?: Comment s'appelle ce plat?
Waiter / waitress!: garçon / mademoiselle
May we have the check please?: On peut avoir la note s'il vous plait?
It is very delicious!: C'est délicieux!
What do you recommend?: Que recommandez-vous?
The bill please!: La note s'il vous plait!

The following items can be found in restaurants as well as kitchens. Which means it would be useful to memorize them.

Spicy: épicé
Sweet: sucré
Salty: salé
Plate: L'assiette
Fork: La fourchette
Knife: Le couteau
Spoon: La cuillère
Table: La table
Menu: Le menu
Food: La nourriture
Dessert: Le dessert
Water: L'eau
A cup of: une tasse de
A glass of: un verre de
Salad: La salade
Soup: La soupe
Bread: Le pain
Black pepper: du poivre noir
Salt: Le sel
Tip: Le pourboire
Napkin: La serviette

Hopefully these expressions of restaurant in French can help you order off the menu or ask waiters items you might need. Check our menu above to select another topic or click the "Next" button to view the next lesson.

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