


Lithuanian Restaurant

These are expressions used in restaurants in Lithuanian. Very useful when ordering from a menu in combination with our Lithuanian Food list.

Where is there a good restaurant?: Kur yra geras restoranas?
I'm vegetarian: Aš vegetaras
What's the name of this dish?: Koks šio patiekalo pavadinimas?
Waiter / waitress!: Padavėjau / Padavėja!
May we have the check please?: Ar galėtume gauti sąskaitą?
It is very delicious!: Tai labai skanu!
What do you recommend?: Ką rekomenduotumėte? (suvalgyti)
The bill please!: Prašau sąskaitą!

The following items can be found in restaurants as well as kitchens. Which means it would be useful to memorize them.

Spicy: aštrus
Sweet: saldus
Salty: sūrus
Plate: lėkštė
Fork: šakutė
Knife: peilis
Spoon: šaukštas
Table: lentelė or stalas (valgomasis)
Menu: Meniu
Food: maistas or maisto produktai
Dessert: desertas
Water: vanduo
A cup of: puodelis (ko?)
A glass of: stiklinė (ko?)
Salad: salotos
Soup: sriuba
Bread: duona
Black pepper: juodieji pipirai
Salt: druska
Tip: Arbatpinigiai (pinigai padavėjui)
Napkin: Servetėlė

Hopefully these expressions of restaurant in Lithuanian can help you order off the menu or ask waiters items you might need. Check our menu above to select another topic or click the "Next" button to view the next lesson.

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