


Latvian Negation

This is a lesson about negation in Latvian. This includes words or expressions used to form a negative form as opposted to the affirmative. For example "I don't understand".

Nothing: nekas
Not yet: vēl ne
No one: neviens
No longer: vairs ne
Never: nekad
Cannot: nevar
Should not: nevajadzētu

The below examples demonstrate how to use the negation form in a sentence. Don't be shy to use of these expressions if you don't know something.

We don't understand: Mēs nesaprotam
I do not speak Japanese: Es nerunāju japāniski
I cannot remember the word: Es nevaru atcerēties to vārdu
You should not forget this word: Tev nevajadzētu aizmirst šo vārdu
No problem!: Nekādu problēmu!
I don't know!: Es nezinu
I'm not interested!: Mani tas neinteresē!
Don't worry!: Neuztraucies!
This is wrong: Tas ir nepareizi
This is not correct: Tas nav pareizi
No one here speaks Greek: Te neviens nerunā grieķiski
I'm not fluent in Italian yet: Es vēl nerunāju tik tekoši itāliski

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