


Japanese Colors

This is a list of colors in Japanese. This will help you find ways to describe the colors of clothes, objects and much more.

Black: 黒色
kuro iro
Blue: 青色
ao iro
Brown: 茶色
cha iro
Gray: 灰色
hai iro
Green: 緑色
midori iro
Orange: オレンジ色
orenji iro
Red: 赤色
aka iro
White: 白色
siro iro
Yellow: 黄色
ki iro
Dark color: 暗色
Light color: 明色

These examples show how colors are used in Japanese. This is a good way to demonstrate how adjectives (colors) are used with nouns and verbs.

The sky is blue: 空が青い
sora ga aoi
Your cat is white: あなたの猫は白い
anata no neko wa siroi
Black is his favorite color: 黒は彼の好きな色です
Kuro wa kare no suki na iro desu
Red is not his favorite color: 赤は彼の好きな色ではありません
Aka wa kare no suki na iro dewa arimasen
She drives a yellow car: 彼女は黄色の車を運転します
Kanojo wa ki-iro no kuruma wo unten simasu
I have black hair: 私の髪は黒色です
Watasi no kami wa kuro iro desu

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