


Nationality in Haitian

This is a list of some common nationalities in Haitian. It is a nice addition to our other 2 pages: Languages and Countries.

British: engle
Moroccan: mawoken
Chinese: shinwa
Brazilian: brezilyen
American: ameriken
French: franse
German: alman
Greek: grek
Israeli: izraelyen
Indian: endou
Irish: ilandet
Italian: italyen
Japanese: japonet
Korean: koreyen
Iranian: iranyen
Portuguese: potuge
Russian: ris
Spanish: espanyol
Swedish: suedwa
Pakistani: pakistanyen

Now we will put some of the words above into a sentence which you might use in a regular conversation about citizenship. All you need is to swap the nationality but keep the same sentence structure.

I'm Italian: m'italyen
My wife is Korean: madam mwen se koreyene
My father is Greek: papa'm se yo grek
I have an American car: mwen gen on machin ameriken
I love French cheese: mwen renmen fromaj franse
He has a Moroccan rug: li gen on tapi maroken

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Haitian Countries

Haitian Countries