


Dutch Numbers

This page is about numbers in Dutch. Including the cardinal (counting) and ordinal (order) numbers. Each of which is used in a different situation.

One: een
Two: twee
Three: drie
Four: vier
Five: vijf
Six: zes
Seven: zeven
Eight: acht
Nine: negen
Ten: tien
Eleven: elf
Twelve: twaalf
Thirteen: dertien
Fourteen: veertien
Fifteen: vijftien
Sixteen: zestien
Seventeen: zeventien
Eighteen: achttien
Nineteen: negentien
Twenty: twintig
Thirty three: Drieendertig
One hundred: Honderd
Three hundred and sixty: Driehonderdzestig
One thousand: Duizend

Here are some examples in Dutch for the cardinal numbers above.

Two thousand and fourteen: Tweeduizendveertien
One million: Een Miljoen
I'm thirty years old: Ik ben dertig jaar oud
I have 2 sisters and one brother: Ik heb 2 zussen en een broer

Now we move on to the ordinal numbers, which helps us organize things by order or rank.

First: eerste
Second: tweede
Third: derde
Fourth: vierde
Fifth: vijfde
Sixth: zesde
Seventh: zevende
Eighth: achtste
Ninth: negende
Tenth: tiende
Eleventh: elfde
Twelfth: twaalfde
Thirteenth: dertiende
Fourteenth: Veertiende
Fifteenth: Vijftiende
Sixteenth: zestiende
Seventeenth: zeventiende
Eighteenth: achttiende
Nineteenth: negentiende
Twentieth: twintigste

And here are a couple sentences related to the ordinal numbers above.

English is my first language: Engels is mijn eerste taal
Her second language is Spanish: Haar tweede taal is Spaans
Once: eenmaal
Twice: tweemaal

After this lesson about the numbers in Dutch, which included cardinal and ordinal numbers, now we move on to the next subject below. You can also choose your own topic from the menu above.

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Dutch Phrases

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Dutch Adjectives

Dutch Adjectives