


Cantonese Family

This is a list of words about family in Cantonese. You can name people such as your relatives as well as extended family this way.



Sister: 姐 / 姊妹
jiě/ zǐmèi
Brother: 兄弟
Baby: 蘇哈仔(old fashion way) bb仔(modern Hong Kong)
sū hā zǐ (old fashion way) bb zǐ (modern Hong Kong)
Child (m): 男仔
nán zǐ
Child (f): 女仔
nǚ zǐ
Father: 爸爸
Mother: 媽媽
Husband: 老公
Wife: 老婆
Cousin (m): 表哥(older than you) / 表弟(younger than you)
biǎo gē (older than you)/ biǎo dì (younger than you)
Cousin (f): 表姐 / 姊(older than you) / 表妹(younger than you)
biǎojiě/ zǐ (older than you)/ biǎomèi (younger than you)
Aunt: 伯母;嬸母;姑媽;姨媽;舅母
bómǔ; shěnmǔ; gūmā; yímā; jiùmu
Uncle: 伯父;叔父;姑丈;姨丈;舅父
bófù; shúfù; gūzhàng; yízhàng; jiùfù
Grandfather: 阿爺 (paternal), 外公(maternal)
ā yé (paternal), wàigōng (maternal)
Grandmother: 阿嫲(paternal), 外婆(maternal)
ā ma (paternal), wàipó (maternal)
Nephew: 姪仔 / 姪女, 外甥 / 外甥女
zhí zǐ/ zhí nǚ, wàishēng/ wàishēngnǚ
Niece: 姪女, 外甥女
zhí nǚ, wàishēngnǚ
Man: 男人
Woman: 女人
Boy: 男仔
nán zǐ
Girl: 女仔
nǚ zǐ

These examples show how family words are used in a Cantonese sentence. Very useful when socializing with other people. This can also show you how to ask questions.

What's your brother called?: 你阿哥 / 細佬叫咩名?
nǐ ā gē/ xì lǎo jiào miē míng?
How old is your sister?: 你家姐 / 細妹幾歲?
Nǐ jiā jiě/ xì mèi jǐ suì?
Where does your father work?: 你爸爸係邊度做嘢?
Nǐ bàba xì biān dù zuò yě?
Your daughter is very cute: 你個女好得意
Nǐ gè nǚ hǎo déyì
I love my husband: 我愛我老公
wǒ ài wǒ lǎogōng
This is my wife: 呢個係我老婆
ne gè xì wǒ lǎopó

With the above list you will be able to discuss how many siblings you have or ask others about their family. Now let's go to the next topic by clicking the "Next" button. Or simply choose your own topic from the menu above.

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