


Bosnian Present

This is a list of verbs in the present tense in Bosnian. First let's start with the raw format before conjugating the verbs to the present form. Make sure to compare this table and the one below it.

To see: vidjeti
To write: pisati
To love: voljeti
To give: dati
To play: igrati se / svirati
To read: čitati
To understand: razumjeti
To have: imati
To know: znati
To learn: učiti
To think: misliti
To work: raditi
To speak: govoriti
To drive: voziti
To smile: smiješiti se
To find: naći

These samples show how the verbs above are conjugated in the present tense in a sentence which includes all the object pronouns (I, you, she...).

I see you: Vidim te
I write with a pen: Pišem perom
You love apples: Ti voliš jabuke
You give money: Ti daješ novac
You play tennis: Ti igraš tenis
He reads a book: On čita knjigu
He understands me: On me razumije
She has a cat: Ona ima mačku
She knows my friend: Ona poznaje mog prijatelja
We want to learn: Mi želimo učiti
We think Spanish is easy: Mi mislimo da se španski lako uči
You (plural) work here: Vi radite ovdje
You (plural) speak French: Vi govorite francuski
They drive a car: Oni voze auto
They smile: Oni se smiješe

After the present tense in Bosnian, make sure to check the other tenses (past, and future), which we hope you enjoyed. You can also choose your own topic from the menu above.

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Bosnian Verbs

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Bosnian Past

Bosnian Past Tense